Saturday, November 20, 2010

Ugh Kroger..again you disappoint me.

I'm Bre.
Nice to meet you....again :)

So.....Im back and Ive made new and exciting improvements :) Well Im WORKING on new and exciting improvements. Im trying to transition my WW daily points into a 70% raw lifestyle. For my first week I switched most of my daily snacks over to fruit, veggies, or popcorn (I know, its cooked- but Im not going cold turkey here). Had a couple small hiccups as I had guests over for 5 days so of course I was cooking up a storm to keep them happy and well-fed. But overall.. it wasnt a bad week. I got on the scale today and I weighed the same as the last time I had weighed-in.. which was like a month ago. Yikes. I know. Shame on me. I was so desperate to make the 40 pound mark by my bday party that I barely ate that week or drank for that matter. You can tell from my pics at the party.. at the beginning of the night im looking ok and by the end you can tell my cheeks are puffed up more than usual from all the DRINKING and eating i was doing. And then it just went on to turn into a WEEK of leftovers eating and pizza and drinking and uggggggggggggggggggggggggh... same old me. Same me that Im used to dealing with that I thought I had gotten rid of. But wow.. it only took some nasty eating for a few days and I started to rationalize it all again. So heres to you huge roadblock.. you won that time.

So......having thought about how I was for some reason getting stuck (even tho I have loads to lose still) I thought about eliminating some of the tasty snacks I was having (altho within points) and replacing them with regular old fruits and veggies. Also..starting my day out with a smoothie really seems to keep the hunger at I figure Id throw a smoothie in there at some point which makes my kids happy as well (and they dont even mind the veggies in there!)

I also read about a chocolate lovers diet in my mothers wonderful "womans world" she accidentaly left here (dont worry, she called to make sure I knew it was here and to save it for her lol) So I was also thinking about maybe getting crazy and trying that for a month and posting the results here too. I might as well turn it into a damn science experiment because to be honest with you.. i was getting BORED! I was eating the same stuff and snore snore...I wasnt blogging (sinner) and I was totally talking myself into shitt food choices and doing the minimum amount of exercise I could. Ugh.. sometimes I hate me.

But I digress...

So to do this fat girl gone raw transition, I need all sorts of grains and yummy fruits and veggies and agave and this and that and guess what?? KROGER has like 4 things I need. Their organic section is a frickin JOKE and its right by the wine aisle all by itself in a little kiosk. half of the stuff was reduced because who in the hell eats organic in imlay city where most of the people grow their own veggies and would rather remove a liver than pay 5.99 for a box of organic cereal. So I maybe able to score some good deals, but I also have to plan a trip down to Whole Foods. Its like an hour drive so Im hoping one day this upcoming week I will make it. If not, then it will have to be the week after next because the week after turkey day week , Tony and I are going on a mini vaca..(insert choirs of Angels singing)... and I want to look my best for that trip so Im hoping the raw foods Im substituting will start working their magic awfully quickly and Ill be a wrinkle free fox.

hahahaah............mommy always said I had an imagination!!!

Till tomorrow sweet readers..

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