Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 1.. The break-up... "its not you, its me."

So guess what? Ive let you all down once again.

I let life, and stress, and even breathing become more important than eating right, exercising and blogging my heart out to you all. And even tho I missed my daily blab more than I thought I would, still pushed it to the back of my brain and ate and ignored and ignored and ate, rinse and repeat. I HAVE NO EXCUSES! Soooooo... that brings us to today. And if you'll all still have me, I'm back at it with a vengeance and ferocity unmatched. Hold the reigns y'all... we are back on the wagon.

My dear weightwatchers. Altho you've worked for me twice now, I am falling out of love with you. Why, you ask? Why the heartbreak so close to valentines day? Why the break-up so cold and callous via blogger memo? Because. You don't teach me to stop eating shitty food. All you do is teach me to be creative and manipulate the system. I can still eat mcdonalds and taco bell and even LARD if I want to. And altho it comes down to some calorie equation only einstein could compound and evaluate, NO ONE needs to be eating those kind of foods. Maybe you are making my body littler, but with the points you alloted me, I could eat an egg mcmuffin meal for breakfast, cheeseburger meal for lunch (with diet coke of course) and taco bell fresco tacos for dinner AND still have enough points left for a mcdonalds 3pt ice cream cone. And even as a fat girl, any way I spin that I just cannot see the benefit to my arteries and skin and insides with eating all that schmoo. Including myself, I know more than 5 people who have lost a hefty chunk of weight on WW, gained it back, lost it again, etc etc etc. So before I proceed to regain all of what you've helped me lose, think its best that we part ways. Something is sill amiss in your programming as you aren't teaching this fat girl to eat (as matt would say) CLEAN. I know your new point system is a bit better, but when you give ANY fat girl the right and permission to eat as many fruits and veggies as she wants for O points, that's not helping. Guess what.. maybe Ill eat 10 bananas today for a whopping extra 900 calories. Plus all my points, plus a few of my extra weekly allowance. How that's suppose to help me lose weight is beyond me. And I know, I know, some of you are saying.. well its suppose to fill you up with the fruits and veg and then you ll eat less other foods. Right. And that sounds good. Actually it sounds fabulous. But that's not fat girls mentality. You cant give me permission to eat ANYTHING for no cost/detriment/point reduction. I obviously have will power issues. Duh. Id rather avoid your 1500mg+ of sodium smart ones that I'm hooked on and start eating salt free. I might get thin eating smartones/lean cuisines/lean michaelinas coupled with a DC,but I'm still gonna die early from hypertension. Enough is enough.

Hence the delightful picture posted above. Today this chubby chica is going Paleo! I even sounds cool when you say it! I thought about it, googled it, read about it, rethought about it.. talked it over with Tony and I really think its going to be fun. ALtho when I told him we would have to cut out bread and pasta he was like "Do PEOPLE DO THAT?!?!" So for him, (hes totally not overweight and is in shape) he will get to have some pasta and bread along with the kiddos, but will have to suffer thru the whole grain kind :) I'm also going to post a picture of each meal I make cause the prettier I make it look the better my brain thinks it tastes (very important as there was no salt or pepper in the scramble and I love salt)

And most importantly, I'm going to start reporting to you all again. So prepare your self for some crying and ranting and raving as I believe bread is my soul mate and pasta a treat from God himself. It is time to get healthy from the inside-out. That might mean starting to raise a buffalo in the backyard for eventual slaughter, but rules are rules.

Time to get dirty bout eatin' clean.

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