Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 9.. Now this time... stay lost.

So I weighed in and some how magically lost 8 pounds. EIGHT. Thats like a newborn. Its like I gave birth to unwanted fat and now its gone..hopefully forever. And I didnt suffer this week. I kept myself busy and kept the stove and oven going with acceptable foods and viola.. somehow ate myself into losing more than a bag of flour. Motivating?? I think yes. So today its poached eggs for brekkie and chicken for lnch and din din. Im almost back to where I was "pre holiday binging and not giving a shit"....

Busy week this week!! Tonys 30th is this saturday and Im sooo excited to hang out ith friends and just chill and listen to some great tunes. The kids are going up to Gigi and papas this friday so they are super excited as well..

Off to my laundry and to make some brekkie for the offspring and I.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Weekend Update.. with

Dinner day 6 ..spaghetti squash with organic spaghetti sauce and mixed greens with homemade tangy tomato dressing.. yum!

Breakfast day 7.. leftover egg cupcakes and strawberries

Its been a crazy busy weekend... but a great weekend so far!!
Hope everyone is having a nice relaxing weekend with their valentine xoxo

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 4...Check yourself or you'll wreck yourself.


So last night I had a fabulous date night with my hubs. We went to Meijer and pamida (i know, thrilling) and then to Luckys for dinner. He got a delicious looking prime rib and shrimp special and I got an amazing spinach salad with bits of bacon, hard boiled egg, tomatoes, red onions... oh and a POUND of blue cheese. I did see on the description that it said blue cheese but I thought well ill just scrape it to the side and Tony can eat it. Right. When the salad came,...altho very beautiful it was very obvious that I wasnt going to be able to do a quick scrape. But I did manage to remove 70 percent of it, and instead of eating a couple bites of tonys prime beast, I just counted it as the protien part of my dinner. Its not really allowed tho on the paleo plan so I feel a bit bummed out about it being on there. Overall tho, I feel I did well. I skipped the AMAZING garlicy herbed loaf of bread they constantly replenish, and also we both drank water with lemon.. not diet pop/reg pop. From now on tho- Ill make sure I custom order things Im planning on eating at a restaurant.. afterall I am paying them to make it s why not get a little picky!

For breakfast this morning, Im having 2 hrd boiled organic omega 3 enriched eggs with my left over zucchini sautee , 3 kumquats and some red peppers. Not only does it look fantastic, it tastes super yummy.

The lesson I learned last night at Luckys is that I had to not rationalize eating all the delish blue cheese. I had to recognize that it wasnt part of what I was suppose to be eating, and do what I could do to eat around it. I couldnt let myself be talked into eating it even tho my brain is a master manipulator. Would it have completely ruined my weeks worth of work? Probably not, as it wasnt a dozen donuts or something. But it IS the little things. In every way of life eating plan there has to be a little give and a little take. But that doesnt equate to a dozen crispy cremes (can you believe ive NEVER had one of those!) Drinking water, avoiding the bread of delight/doom and eating 80 percent of a salad I removed 70 percent of the sins from will still equal a win in my book. And if I compare it to the last time I was there where the DC and the bread was free flowing into my gullet, along with lobster pasta with cream sauce then its a double win.

Plus.. it was time alone with my adorable husband :) Us mommys need to feel like girls again too sometimes!

Have a great day everyone!

Day 4... check yourself before you wreck yourself..

I have lots to talk about today.. but it will have to wait till tonight as my hosue is full of rambunctous kiddos and Im afraid the walls will collapse if Im not supervising :)

Heres some pics of my delightful dinner yesterday and brekkie

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 3...The fog is lifting.....

So I woke up this morning.

And it was BEFORE my alarm. And I wasnt tired at all. Now mind you, I watched gLee and then went to bed shortly after getting lunch and snacks and backpacks all together for school today, so I did have a good 8 hours of sleep in, but with two wake ups by kiddos and the urge to pee like twice, I was VERY surprised that I felt so rested. I dont remember the last time I woke up and felt rip raring ready to go. I wont actually attribute it to the new eating, nor the lengthy sleep until we are a few more days in. BUT I enjoyed it immensely-- and I hope in continues. Every morning at 7 I have to have all the kiddos up and get them all ready so we can drive Anthony in to school...so me being on point really makes this time alot less frustrating. And that was with NO coffee, no diet coke (i love you and miss you), and no hot cocoa or something delightfully breakfastish that I used to frequent.
So thats good news I suppose.

Other points..Im always warm now. And yesterday, my face was even flushed a little bit in the late afternoon. Its almost like I can feel the furnace inside burning up some extra fat. I woke in the night a billion degrees and have reverted back to walking around barefoot. As I type, Im enjoying some decaf green tea and Im actually roasting. But its free heat and Ill take it :)

Tony and I had a discussion this morning about americas eating habits... again its so NOT surprising that we have an obesity epedemic when a BAG of cheesy poofs are 1.00 a bag at kroger. And a PEAR I bought yesterday, yes a single lonely pear, cost me 1.38. Thats 40 cents more for ONE pear (which they devoured the instant I turned my back altho I wanted to make a spicy pear salsa with it.. those piggys). So why WOULDNT the budget strapped, penny counting american choose to buy 3 bags of cheesy poofs instead of TWO pears? Seems like a no-brainer to me. Hopefully prices on produce and healthy stuff with start to be on te same scale as the empty calorie trans fat laden treats... if that were the case then maybe america wouldnt be in such a tight spot. Literally :)

I happen to hit kroger yesterday as they were marking down diapers (OH GLORIOUS DAY!)..even tho Elliana only wears one at night for safety sake.. it was amazing! I stocked up and got a couple to give as gifts,etc. I also got lots of english cukes on sale for 1.00 (the kids and I love them), zucchini, yellow squash, 4 cartons of strawberries, 3 fresh packages of salmon which I portioned threw in some fresh dill and froze, pistaschios,red bell pepper, and other asst goods. And its obvious when we are really trying to eat better here in this house because the grocery bills get enormous and fast like. Im sooo looking forward to spring and summer.. there is a farmers market right down the road from me. OH! And I also found the most amazing sun dried tomatoes that I put in the veggie sautee last night. YUM~ I was always a bit hesitant when it came to those.

Tonite is date night for the hubs and I.. so it will be my first challenge eating at some place other than home. Im hoping to do a chicken breast/veggie/salad kind of dinner. Not drinking my beloved DC will be a challenge but then again paying 2.00 for fountain pop always irritated me anyhow.

Have a great day everyone :) You InSpIrE me to make good choices and stay on plan!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Delicious fruit treat in a super cute parfait cup

Lean steak and a super tasty veggie sautee
Zucc, squash, sundried tomatoes, red bell pepper, calamatas

Day 2.. Caffiene withdrawls imminent


Well. Its official. Im addicted to caffiene. And my body is screaming at me about it. Not only for the mini buzz and energy it gives me but for the mini buzz and the energy it gives me lol. BUT success cannot always be easy so Ill trudge on. Im actually typing to you as I eat a delish 7 lettuces salad with avocado and lemon juice as dressing. It will be interesting to see if it actually fills me up and holds me over till snack time (half of a handful of almonds).

I have to say this hasnt been all that bad so far. I know, I know, we are only on day 2. But Im more speaking in the terms of portions. Im not really limited to any portion sizes, yet find that a normal portion size is just right to fill up the belly. Maybe its because my brain doesnt feel LIMITED that its allowing me to only want to eat what I need to eat and not what Id usually eat. Food for thought I suppose.

Someone make sure they reference me back to this post come monday when the house is filled with valentines candy galore and make sure I stay on task.

As a glorious side note today, my children all decided they wanted lettuce with green goddess dressing for breakfast with their oatmeal. And they devoured a whole bag of seven lettuces. Im going to have to get creative with my breakfasts as it says limit egg intake to 6 a week. Im also going to pop over to kroger and load up on more fruit to be able to make a fruit salad for today and tommorrow.

Oh... and Im drinking bottled water with lemon in it. From the bottle. My arch nemisis. Id LOVE a diet coke right now. But I love my kidneys more so off to refill.


Dinner Day 1

Chili with tomatoes, green onions, garlic
Very yummy on a super cold night

Monday, February 7, 2011

Paleo Lunch Day 1

Paleo Lunch Day 1
Chicken Breast sauteed in a bit of EVOO
Broccoli with lemon juice

Day 1.. The break-up... "its not you, its me."

So guess what? Ive let you all down once again.

I let life, and stress, and even breathing become more important than eating right, exercising and blogging my heart out to you all. And even tho I missed my daily blab more than I thought I would, still pushed it to the back of my brain and ate and ignored and ignored and ate, rinse and repeat. I HAVE NO EXCUSES! Soooooo... that brings us to today. And if you'll all still have me, I'm back at it with a vengeance and ferocity unmatched. Hold the reigns y'all... we are back on the wagon.

My dear weightwatchers. Altho you've worked for me twice now, I am falling out of love with you. Why, you ask? Why the heartbreak so close to valentines day? Why the break-up so cold and callous via blogger memo? Because. You don't teach me to stop eating shitty food. All you do is teach me to be creative and manipulate the system. I can still eat mcdonalds and taco bell and even LARD if I want to. And altho it comes down to some calorie equation only einstein could compound and evaluate, NO ONE needs to be eating those kind of foods. Maybe you are making my body littler, but with the points you alloted me, I could eat an egg mcmuffin meal for breakfast, cheeseburger meal for lunch (with diet coke of course) and taco bell fresco tacos for dinner AND still have enough points left for a mcdonalds 3pt ice cream cone. And even as a fat girl, any way I spin that I just cannot see the benefit to my arteries and skin and insides with eating all that schmoo. Including myself, I know more than 5 people who have lost a hefty chunk of weight on WW, gained it back, lost it again, etc etc etc. So before I proceed to regain all of what you've helped me lose, think its best that we part ways. Something is sill amiss in your programming as you aren't teaching this fat girl to eat (as matt would say) CLEAN. I know your new point system is a bit better, but when you give ANY fat girl the right and permission to eat as many fruits and veggies as she wants for O points, that's not helping. Guess what.. maybe Ill eat 10 bananas today for a whopping extra 900 calories. Plus all my points, plus a few of my extra weekly allowance. How that's suppose to help me lose weight is beyond me. And I know, I know, some of you are saying.. well its suppose to fill you up with the fruits and veg and then you ll eat less other foods. Right. And that sounds good. Actually it sounds fabulous. But that's not fat girls mentality. You cant give me permission to eat ANYTHING for no cost/detriment/point reduction. I obviously have will power issues. Duh. Id rather avoid your 1500mg+ of sodium smart ones that I'm hooked on and start eating salt free. I might get thin eating smartones/lean cuisines/lean michaelinas coupled with a DC,but I'm still gonna die early from hypertension. Enough is enough.

Hence the delightful picture posted above. Today this chubby chica is going Paleo! I know..it even sounds cool when you say it! I thought about it, googled it, read about it, rethought about it.. talked it over with Tony and I really think its going to be fun. ALtho when I told him we would have to cut out bread and pasta he was like "Do PEOPLE DO THAT?!?!" So for him, (hes totally not overweight and is in shape) he will get to have some pasta and bread along with the kiddos, but will have to suffer thru the whole grain kind :) I'm also going to post a picture of each meal I make cause the prettier I make it look the better my brain thinks it tastes (very important as there was no salt or pepper in the scramble and I love salt)

And most importantly, I'm going to start reporting to you all again. So prepare your self for some crying and ranting and raving as I believe bread is my soul mate and pasta a treat from God himself. It is time to get healthy from the inside-out. That might mean starting to raise a buffalo in the backyard for eventual slaughter, but rules are rules.

Time to get dirty bout eatin' clean.