Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 2...the dark clouds are parting.

I woke up this morning and actually felt rested. Well, as rested as a mom of 4-3 who are habitual night time get uppers- has felt in a long time. After Rocco came in to our bed around 2 and woke the baby up I ended up taking her and finishing out the night in his twin bed. Surprisingly more comfortable than my pillow top- and I have to admit I enjoyed the matching Lighting McQueen sheet set. Along with my newly rested status, I actually had energy. WHAT?!? Energy in the morning? I refuse to acknowledge it. I zipped around and washed windows, cleaned up the random child clutter and made faux egg mcmuffins. We are a fat America arent we.. when we attach the prefix "Mc" to every English muffin+egg sandwich and chicken nugget be it homemade or from Tyson. I did have my first Mc shoot-down success tho as my babysitter was sweet enough to bring me a huge iced coffee from McD's. I put it straight in the fridge, but before I did, my good old brain started to rationalize it... Hmmm wonder how many points that is? What if I just drank half?

Thankfully my effort in making a tasty breakfast and the gross taste left in my mouth from the v8 made drinking that drink seem like not such a great idea. Its still there in the fridge tho-but as the ice melts it'll be less and less attractive to me as who likes watered down drinks. I like my caffeine straight-up.

Couple things I wanted to address this AM:
First off.. in the defense of my dear, sweet weinerdog, Noli, I want to explain the name of my blog. She was born with the sweetest warts, one on each side of her head and one under her chin. She has not contracted any supergross warts on any part of her doggy body. My Shepard has one too so Im assuming these are pretty standard. My mom tried to say that her weinerdog (aka my sister) does not have any warts but once I described them to her she had to concur. Although ugly and laden with long black pointy hair.. for some reason I look at everything about her with such love. Hence the inspiration for the name of this Blog.

Also wanted to thank everyone for the comments and messages :) You really have no idea how much it means to me and it is SO very much going to help me get through this commitment. I hope I make you all proud.

For dinner.. McChicken stir fry for the kids and I, Mc Ribs in the dutch oven for T.

Slowly but surely America and I will drop our obsession with McPrefixed food and embrace who it is we really were meant to be.

1 comment:

  1. We "Mc" everything here too! Tonight we are having "Mc" Chicken Nuggets! LOL I love your blog, Bre, you keep me laughing with your words about your family...I, too, love Lightning McQueen!! LOL
