Thursday, August 12, 2010


Make them.

Treasure them.

Appreciate the ones who ARE ALWAYS THERE FOR YOU.

Rekindle old friendships that have dimmed over time.

Talk to someone that you dont really know.

Ask someone to tell you something youd never know about them.

Adore your friendships as if they were blood bonds- sometimes they are stronger.

This isnt highschool anymore people. You are FREE to be friends with whomever you wish. Ever look back at highschool and realized that the people who were so cool and so hot and who youd die to hangout with/date/be bffs with...are now still living with their mom and dad? Working at the local taco bell serving up some cinnamon twists and sides of pinto beans? Remember when they made you feel like you want to disappear because you were so insignificant in their major world of popularity and fame?


I dont have sisters or brothers.. so my friends mean that to me. I have made friends with people who I havent even known since I was in 1st grade and we have and we will make bonds that will not be broken.

Its an HONOR to be considered someone else's friend. I cherish the position, I relish in it.. and I strive to be the best at it I can be.

I know.
Stop soap boxing Bre.

Im done :)

More to come tomorrow..

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