If you're a mom.. imagine pushing that head out. I wonder if he was the size of a 2 year old when he was born? How much can/does that man eat in a day? Its not even like hes hugely overweight. Hes just a beast among men. I'm watching him on VS Shaq right now and I'm just wondering if the opponents he gets to take on are secretly soiling their boxing shorts. Fighting an unknown opponent is scary enough. Fighting an unknown opponent who looks like Shaq would be even more intimidating.
Which brings me in a weird sorta way to my latest point. What does dieting possess that makes it so scary to us? So intimidating? So scaredy chicken to jump into something head first even though we KNOW what the outcome will be? We know if we intake less than we output then the pounds will come off. That's just math. Or physics? Or chemistry? Either curriculum, now that I'm doing this dang thing I sometimes wonder.
In all honesty before I started this I was admittedly very well versed in many aspects of diet and nutrition. I KNEW about the point system for WW and alot of values for different foods. I know how to do atkins, South beach, and count calories and fat. I knew what the healthy foods were.
It was because I was afraid of having to make GOOD and SOUND choices that I would continuously have a new excuse why I couldn't start my journey THEN, right then. Not next week, or next Monday , or after the next holiday. I was scared of the commitment and the hard work and frickin effort that it TAKES to be successful at this. Sad, isnt it? that I would have rather woke up every day with the burden of being overweight as opposed to just jumping up and doing something about it?
So today, I raise my Crystal Light filled glass in cheers to conquering fears...facing our doubts and motivating our bodies to be what we want them to be. I may never be a size 5 or have legs that go all the way up to there. But that doesn't scare me. What I will have is my confidence back, my energy, possibly my self-esteem, and most importantly, the love. The love for myself just for who I am. You know, who we all are on the inside. Which is what matters. It'll just be wrapped up in a healthier, lighter, more spirited packaging :)
This diet and lifestyle change is quite similar to that professional athlete taking on Shaq. He doesn't know the outcome...he doesn't know if it will be an epic failure. But he does his research, sticks to his game plan, practices his skills daily... and more times than not he is able to defeat a gargantuan man--- because in this arena it is OUR game.. OUR life..and OUR success. My WW plan is my method of attack VS the Shaq of the fattening food choice world.
Bring it.
Its physics...btw! :) Yay, I like that you want to love yourself for who you are because I love you for you who are no matter what anyone says ;)