Monday, August 2, 2010

Content overload....

I have soooooooo much to talk about today. Ill post in sections cause its a super busy day here today but theres alot to talk about.

1st. I saw a proactiv VENDING machine in the local mall. It was next to the mountain dew and chocolate dispensing machine.

That, friends is smart advertising/marketing. Buying acne medicine from a VENDING machine? Seriously?? Whats next...valtrex machine in the bathroom next to the condom dispenser? Rogaine pumps in the gym shower with a quarter slot? Have any of you seen this madness?

Weigh-in: -1.6 pounds

Really felt the desire to throw down a whopper or some sesame chicken yesterday. Pretty sure mother natures going to rear her ugly head here shortly. Instead I made a huge dinner of baby backs, grilled shrimp (super low in points), grilled zucchini, and a big salad with a touch of feta, tomatoes and onions and a recipe for salad dressing from Ms.Martini :) (red wine vinegar, touch of olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic powder.) Its soooo yummy and it reminds me of many fun birthday party!

Moving on:
My very good friend's husband just lost his father to stage 4 pancreatic cancer. They found out only about 2 weeks ago and thought he had 4-10 months. Ive been keeping them in my prayers and trying to learn from this lesson. Life is fleeting! Its short if you really think about it.. and like Cheryl once said-- We ONLY get ONCE chance at this life. So we better live it up. Surround ourselves with the people who we love and who lift us up. Life is too short to be wasted on the petty stuff and with those who only bring us down. So Im going to make it a point to kiss my hubby before he goes to work and when he gets home and to tell him and my kids how much they mean to me every day-- I know we all say it and some times everyday.. but Im going to start telling each of them why I love them and why they are special to me. It was a real tragedy for my friend and her husband and son.. I am glad they had their small window for some closure and hopefully we all can learn from this real-life example. I'll start.. Blog readers.. I adore you :) Thank you for being there for me.. even if youre just a lurker or occasional reader.. you are helping me to be able to love and live till im older so I will be able to tell my kids how special they are for a very, very long time. You have my crush.

Quote I stole from a dear friends sis-in-law:

Do NOT spoil what you have by desiring what you have NOT; REMEMBER that what you NOW have was once among the things only hoped for! ~Epicurus

Isnt that the truth!!! It rings so true even with this dieting thing. Maybe we fall off the wagon a bit..or start feeling down that its not coming off in a month (even tho it took us years to put it on!)... so then we start to think about having a little treat here or oh this little bite wont hurt us. I was there yesterday. Tony was asleep and the kids were having a little bag of chips ahoy that my mom had brought and the baby kept handing them to me and I kept putting them over on the table but thinking about them and trying to rationalize them and I did eat one. I took a point for it..but then I started to think about food in general and all the stuff I havent eaten in like 5 weeks and I started to resent the fact that I couldnt/shouldnt/wouldnt eat it. I drank some water, got the kids to bed, and went right to bed.. by like 9:30. When I read her quote this morning I was like Bingo. I could have spoiled this progress by wanting to eat something that wouldnt even have been sooo wonderful..and I would have been full of regret...and it is just a FACT that the 14.8 pounds I have lost so far IS IN FACT something I hoped for!!! I mean I hope for alot more.. but still-- it is a stepping stone in the right direction. I could have GAINED 15 pounds!! I was on track to do just that with the bad food choices and lack of activity.

So thank you Epicurus whomever you were..and to you Laura for just the quote and inspiration I NEEDED today. For a fleeting moment, I had my eye on the door of this WW train.. thanks for making me sit back down, buckle up and keep on a-ridin' :)

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